Eoghan O’Sullivan Archive

Eoghan O’Sullivan

Backpedal is a delightful collection of 4 folky, acoustic driven songs from Swiss-based Irish singer / songwriter Eoghan O’Sullivan. O’Sullivan’s earnest delivery, precise lyricism, and clean, accessible arrangements make this EP very easy to latch onto.

We’re on familiar ground here, with songs about fighting and making up, parenthood, and what it means to be human. All are delivered with warmth, lightness, and a firm melodic sensibility. This is remarkably deft songcraft.

Of particular interest is “Moi Aussi” - O’Sullivan’s sole French-language composition (Suisse Romande, where he makes his home, is a Francophone region). Written to be part of an exhibition promoting inclusion, the song has become a fixture among classes of school children in French-speaking Switzerland.