Kid Lightbulbs Archive
Kid Lightbulbs
empty me
Bringing something new and worthwhile to a cover song is one of the hardest lifts in music, but this re-imagining of “empty me” from the grungy, growling, and gorgeous 2024 Death Waits album Burn Everything hits the mark.
The original is a fierce grungy beast, recalling the sort of early aughts hard rock you used to be able to find in college towns if you wandered into the right bar on a good night, with frenetic crescendos and howling backup vocals.
Kid Lightbulbs is a master at building soundscapes with fascinating beats, lush arrangements, and his intoxicating voice.
Here, he scrubs the anger off the song entirely and lets the melancholy and resignation float to the surface. The intro stretches to nearly the halfway point of the track, his uneasy piano serving as canvas for a stack of haunted, dissonant flourishes.
The vocal is delivered in a flippant, almost mocking tone, heightening the discomfort. “I don’t know why you even bother coming round here anymore” comes off like a challenge.
Both tracks are worth a place in your collection.
Kid Lightbulbs
please please please listen to me i’m begging
One of the things that’s so fun about Kid Lightbulbs is how he often manages to strike a nerve that’s hyper relevant to a moment, often without aiming directly at it, or being particularly on the nose. It’s a secondhand effect of real artists working from a place that’s true - they often hit targets that need hitting even without meaning to.
“please please please listen to me i’m begging” while loaded with Kid Lightbulbs’ usual soundscape-building genius and quirky beatmaking, is not an example of this phenomenon, as should be evident - it’s about as right on the nose as you can get for our current moment.
Between the social media landscape where we all scream our truths and our neuroses into the void for a handful of validating engagements, and the prevailing feeling that everything is on fire and some people just don’t want to see it, the 8 words of lyrics on this song have got you covered.
Hear it however you like, it’s a documentary of this era.