Marta Per Archive

Marta Per
Putting Our Wishes To Sleep

Marta Per has a wealth of targets to aim at, and an enormous potential audience.   There is something here for fans of jazz, funk, r&b, prog rock, even jam band music, and there are flashes of every decade and most styles throughout this work - all in a crisp modern package. 

A self-described “Londoner from Lisbon”, Marta Per has dropped a new single that is a fascinating listen - from the first moments, you’ll be taken in by how polished the production is, how tight the arrangement, how tight the playing feels.

When the chorus arrives, it may take a couple turns before you really internalize how cool this piece of writing is. There’s some really inventive use of timing and melody (something that a deeper dive will show to be typical of Marta Per’s work) - and the payoff of “Putting Our Wishes to Sleep” is so. damn. cool.